DefMal project (Defense against malwares) led by the Université de Lorraine
The French Research program: PEPR cyber – Defmal will improve the knowledge and understanding of malicious programs and develop countermeasures, whether they are: malware, ransomware, botnet, etc. The first objective is to develop new approaches to analyzing malware. This objective covers the three aspects of the fight against malware: (i) Understanding (ii) Detection and (iii) Forensic analysis. The project’s second objective is the global understanding of the malware ecosystem (modes of organization, diffusion, etc.) in an interdisciplinary approach involving all the actors concerned. Finally, this project aims to significantly reduce the gap between research and companies by giving them the capacity to anticipate and react quickly to malware attacks.

Led by the CNRS, Inria and the CEA, the Cybersecurity program and priority research equipment (PEPR) aims to strengthen the excellence of French research and support the development of the cybersecurity industry. Launched on June 21, 2022, it is part of a national acceleration strategy announced by the President of the Republic on February 21, 2021, of which it is the upstream research component. The DefMal project is one of the first seven targeted research projects.
Scientific and Technical Objectives of the Project
This project comprises 7 work packages (WPs). WP0 concerns project management and communication and dissemination actions. The other 6 WPs address the 3 objectives of the project. Each WP is led by a partner, and all partners will participate in each WP.


Global project architecture and partners